Meme Lordz Development Update #10

Meme Lordz
6 min readOct 25, 2021


Hello & welcome to the 10th official Meme Lordz development update! Many things have transpired since I last updated you through medium. That means an action packed update filled with juicy new content & updates on the game!

2 weeks ago, 300 lucky winners were blessed with the privilege of testing the closed alpha of Meme Lordz! This was overall, an immense success for us. We exposed a tonne of bugs, successfully field tested the core game systems & received amazing constructive criticism.

Since closing the alpha, we have been tirelessly working to implement bug fixes, additional features, NFT functionality & all the amazing suggestions from the community.

Welcome to a new adventure.

Oh, and we’ve also been putting together key partnerships & lining up marketing efforts for the Beta release, so sit tight for another huge update!

User Interface:

Brian cant keep his hands off the new UI.

One of the biggest pieces of feedback we received during the alpha was the Battle System’s user interface. Due to the depth in move variation & dual move selection, it was very challenging to fit such densely packed information into a neat & intuitive selection window.

We are however, very confident that we have achieved something very tight & most importantly, fun to play! The new UI has been implemented smoothly & our in-house testers have been enjoying very smooth playthroughs ever since!

Move Input Screen.

We have reduced the total clicks a user needs to make to play through combat as well as keeping the battle scene in-focus and as un-obstructed as possible. A user still has all the detail they need to make complex battle decisions with the move description overlay, while also being able to keep execute repeating moves quickly for the more grindy moments!

Changing out a secondary Meme Lord has also become smoother and less obtrusive!

Secondary selection window.

Below is a video of the new UI in action!

Inventory & Items:


The inventory and item system was a feature we sadly had to forgo for the alpha testing, but it is now alive and well!

We now have the ability for enemies and wild Meme Lordz to drop both items and Shard Dust the native currency on Planet Memnon. This will help drive quests, progression and add a new niche for people to hunt rare items!

NPC shops will become a regular stop-in for players wishing to make the extended missions smoother & these will be showcased in the new structure interiors! (more on this later)

Basic inventory.

Here we demo the basic incarnation of the inventory with our coveted Meme Lordz crystal logo as a place holder. Players can see which wild Lordz have been bound and are awaiting cleansing.

Equitable items will give stat boosts, consumable items will give health and energy boosts in battle & player equitable items will increase speed & give unique abilities. Our next development update will showcase this system in full so stay tuned.

Map & Story Expansion:

Our beta version, set for release on the 22nd of November, will feature an expanded world & 25+ hours of content for players to enjoy!

Players can expect to visit new zones, learn new moves, catch new Meme Lordz & evolve them through the unique evolution trees.

The forest zone contrasts heavily with our purple zone inhabited by the Noblis people & brings new immersive scenery and characters to the game.

An eastern section of the forest capitol.

A new zone brings new Lordz! You will find many spiritual and survivalist Lordz in the forest zone, so if you decide not to take a healer in Grubs lab, then this is the place for you!

Deep forest vibes.
Peasant farmers growing food for the Noblis….

Below we feature a video of our noble player roaming some new lands!

To top off the huge map expansion we have also rapidly decked out every single building in Memnon with interior scenes … something that was sadly lacking in the alpha.

Now players can explore and immerse themselves in the homes & play places of the Memnites. Visit the night club or stale office at the Meme Stream, or an overgrown hotel being consumed by the Forest.

More mazes!
Humble abode.
Humbler abode.

The game now contains over 30 unique interiors for each building on Planet Memnon. That’s a huge amount of detail added!

NFT’s & Smart Contracts:

Made by aliens.

Development on our smart contracts has begun as well as the accompanying work in Unity to connect Meme Lordz to the smart contracts & subsequently allow users to mint NFT’s at the Meme Stream.

This is the most important aspect of our game & we want it to be perfect.

Preliminary designs for our Meme Lordz NFTs are under way & will feature a stunning card design which frames each Lord in a rarity corresponding frame. We understand how important NFT art is to investors and collectors, so no expensive will be sparred in making these designs top level.

As mentioned in my previous AMA, we are working as hard as we can to get the NFT’s integrated into the Beta version. This is no small feat, but we are up to the challenge.

Alpha Round 2!

I did not have sexual relations with the Meme Lordz alpha …

To further help our development cycle along we have decided to run a second round of public alpha testing! This time around our entire community will be allowed to test the game which will mean more users and more bugs found. With a system this complex its incredibly valuable having you all play Meme Lordz, and so it shall be!

The current plan is to open the alpha gates on the 8th of November and allow 1 week of testing time. This is not set in stone, so please stay in touch with the telegram group for a confirmed date.

Marketing & Future Plans!


As many of you know, we have locked in a very impressive partnership which will be announced around the time of our beta release. This is monumental and speaks well to the legitimacy and strength of the Meme Lordz project. This is the type of move that no influencer or marketing effort can compare to.

We won’t however be relying on this to spread the good word of the Lordz. We have locked in a larger more energetic streamer to debut the second alpha version & continue to close deals for Beta marketing efforts.

Post-Beta will see our focus shift to heavy marketing & quality of life adjustments to further our potential reach. Initial efforts towards making our webGL version more mobile friendly are proving positive and so we will aim to rapidly integrate mobile control overlays. This will allow users to play on mobile before we expand to a mobile app in 2022.

We hope you have enjoyed this Meme Lordz development update!

Until next time!

Douglas Jenkins



Meme Lordz
Meme Lordz

Written by Meme Lordz

Meme-Lordz is an upcoming blockchain game powered by the BSC network. Battle, Bind and Collect your Meme-Lordz in this viral NFT based game.

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